How to uninstall 360 security
How to uninstall 360 security

how to uninstall 360 security

Purchasing is about $18 for 3 computers and adds tidy up desktop and search files, Driver Updater, Privacy Cleaner, Firewall, Data Shredder, Disk Analyzer, Scheduled Cleanup, priority pass to the latest features, No advertisements, Exclusive lively themes, Exclusive discounts: Apps and Games, Privileged access to tech support. Choose 360 Total Security and select the Uninstall/Change option. Click Uninstall a Program under Programs. If you are willing to get rid of the program and its related components manually, follow these steps: Click Start and select Control Panel. An Upgrade Now button is always on the main interface and appears in other places, including while scanning. We have briefly mentioned two possible ways to remove 360 Total Security from Windows OS. Offers to install an additional program, usually Opera web browser. Version History for 360 Total Security Essential:

  • What's the Best Antivirus and Is Windows Defender Good Enough?.
  • 360 Cloud Security provides real-time protection with the latest virus definition updates and threat indexes provided seamlessly so that your PC is always up to date and secure.
  • You can execute risky programs in the Sandbox, threats will be kept separate from your system and isolated.Automatic updates and theme support.
  • Your experience will be worry free from phishing, Trojan and data theft.
  • Multiple shields guarantee a secure and peaceful digital experience.
  • Total integration of award-winning antivirus engines from 360 Cloud Engine,360 QVMII, Avira and Bitdefender to provide you with the ultimate in Virus detection and protection capabilities.
  • This method allows you to completely remove third-party anti-virus applications from your computer, but requires you to install the uninstaller tool beforehand.360 Total Security Essential as the name implies is just pure antivirus - providing comprehensive protection against the latest security threats with a combined virus detection engine. An uninstaller is an application designed specifically to remove other applications. We recommend using this method, as it is the safest and allows you to completely remove third-party anti-virus applications from your computer.
  • Special tools from the developers of the anti-virus application.
  • how to uninstall 360 security

    Remaining files may interrupt the installation or affect the operation of your Kaspersky application.

    how to uninstall 360 security

    This method does not require you to install or start additional applications, but it may not completely remove the anti-virus application. You can uninstall third-party anti-virus applications using:

    How to uninstall 360 security